
My publications and research agenda reflect my interests in gender, representation, political parties, and the politics of policymaking. Some of the projects I am excited to be working on now explore women and gender in populist radical right parties, the rise of femonationalism, the impacts of gender quota laws on women's promotion to cabinets, and the political causes and consequences of the mental load (cognitive household labor).


  1. When is gender on party agendas? Manifestos and (De-) democratisation in Greece, Portugal, and Spain
    Ana Catalano Weeks, Paloma Caravantes, Ana Espı́rito-Santo, and 3 more authors
    South European Society and Politics, 2024
  2. Quotas or parity? How the framing of positive action measures impacts public support and backlash
    Hilde Coffé, Sparsha Saha, and Ana Catalano Weeks
    Journal of European Public Policy, 2024
  3. Women, Men, and Elections: Policy Supply and Gendered Voting Behaviour in Western Democracies. By Rosalind Shorrocks. New York: Routledge, 2022. 258 pp. 136.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780367353605.
    Ana Catalano Weeks
    Politics & Gender, 2024
  4. A typology of US parents’ mental loads: Core and episodic cognitive labor
    Ana Catalano Weeks, and Leah Ruppanner
    Journal of Marriage and Family, 2024


  1. When do Männerparteien elect women? Radical right populist parties and strategic descriptive representation
    Ana Catalano Weeks, Bonnie M Meguid, Miki Caul Kittilson, and 1 more author
    American Political Science Review, 2023
  2. Backlash against “identity politics”: far right success and mainstream party attention to identity groups
    Ana Catalano Weeks, and Peter Allen
    Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2023
  3. Still “the Domain of Men?” Gender Quotas and Women’s Inclusion in Local Politics in Italy
    Ana Catalano Weeks, and Francesco Masala
    Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2023
  4. Corporate board quotas and gender equality policies in the workplace
    Audrey Latura, and Ana Catalano Weeks
    American Journal of Political Science, 2023
  5. Parties, issues and gender
    Hilde Coffé, Miki Caul Kittilson, Bonnie M Meguid, and 1 more author


  1. Making gender salient: From gender quota laws to policy
    Ana Catalano Weeks
  2. Ambitious women: Gender and voter perceptions of candidate ambition
    Sparsha Saha, and Ana Catalano Weeks
    Political Behavior, 2022
  3. Gender and politics in Portugal
    Ana Espı́rito-Santo, Ana Catalano Weeks, and  others
    The Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics, 2022


  1. Quotas and party priorities: direct and indirect effects of quota laws
    Ana Catalano Weeks
    Political Research Quarterly, 2019


  1. Why are gender quota laws adopted by men? The role of inter-and intraparty competition
    Ana Catalano Weeks
    Comparative Political Studies, 2018


  1. Quotas and qualifications: the impact of gender quota laws on the qualifications of legislators in the Italian parliament
    Ana Catalano Weeks, and Lisa Baldez
    European Political Science Review, 2015


  1. Women acting for women? An analysis of gender and debate participation in the British House of Commons 2005–2007
    Ana Catalano
    Politics & Gender, 2009