
You can read about my work, or interviews I have given, in the following media outlets.

Interviews and media coverage

Foster, Robin. U.S. News & World Report. “Moms Take on 70% of ‘Mental Load’ for Household Tasks: Study.” 30 December 2024.

Hinchliffe, Emma and Nina Ajemian. Fortune. “Women carry 71% of a household’s ‘mental load’ and it can limit their participation in the workforce, new research finds.” 20 December 2024.

BBC News, The World Today. “Study finds women carry 71% of the mental load.” 18 December 2024.

Lacreta, Megan. Scary Mommy. “71% Of The Household Mental Load Falls On Mom — Even When Dad Believes He Shares It Equally.” 18 December 2024.

CBS News Boston. “Mothers handle more of the mental load of managing household, study says.” 16 December 2024.

Kaya, A. Maya. Psychology Today. “Mental Load: The Invisible Weight of Parenthood.” 16 December 2024.

Big Careers, Small Children Podcast. Episode 168: Dr. Ana Catalano Weeks - Managing Mental Load While Balancing Career and Parenthood. 14 March 2024.

Vallejo, Cristina. Sur. “La ultraderecha europea que se pinta de violeta.” 2 October 2022.

Elting, Liz. Forbes. “Stop Saying Quotas “Don’t Work” Because They Demonstrably Do.” 22 September 2022.

Hinchliffe, Emma. Fortune. “Board Diversity Quotas Help Women at All Levels of the Workforce.” 15 August 2022.

Pazzanese, Christina. The Harvard Gazette. “American Voters Don’t Hate Ambitious Women, After All.” 6 October 2020.

Bennett, Jessica. The New York Times. “Ambition Has Always Been ‘Ladylike’.” 10 August 2020.

Hinchliffe, Emma. Fortune. “Good news for Kamala Harris: Voters are fine with ambitious women. So why do party gatekeepers still care?.” 6 August 2020.

Bellstrom, Kristen and Emma Hinchliffe. The Broadsheet for Fortune. “Why are we still talking about female candidates’ ambition as if it’s a bad thing?.” 6 August 2020.

NPR Global Journalist. Gender Quotas on the March (podcast). 18 October 2018.

Saini, Valentina. Gli Stati Generali. Femminismo, Un’Idea Che Tenta I Progressisti (Ma Non in Italia). 31 August 2018. (In Italian)

Proudfoot, Shannon. Macleans. Why Male Political Leaders Pursue Gender Quota Laws. 25 June 2018.

Blogs I’ve written

Weeks, Ana Catalano. “Do Mothers Do More of the “Mental Load”? Gender Divisions in Daily and Episodic Cognitive Household Work” 2024. Bath IPR Blog.

Barnes, Tiffany, Giulia Venturini and Ana Catalano Weeks. “Gender Quota Laws Increase the Share of Women in Cabinets” 2024. Gender on the Ballot Blog, American University. 2 December.

Hilde Coffé, Sparsha Saha and Ana Catalano Weeks. “Do voters support “gender parity” more than “gender quotas”?” 2024. LSE European Politics and Policy Blog. 3 October.

Weeks, Ana Catalano. “How Gender Quotas Broaden the Political Agenda.” 2022. University of Bath Institute for Policy Research Blog and CUP 1584 Blog. 19 October.

Weeks, Ana Catalano and Audrey Latura. “How Corporate Board Quotas Influence Gender Equality Policies within Companies.” 2022. LSE European Politics and Policy Blog. 7 July.

Weeks, Ana Catalano, Bonnie M. Meguid, Miki Caul Kittilson, and Hilde Coffé. “How radical right populist parties use the representation of women as an electoral tool.” 2022. LSE European Politics and Policy Blog. 4 April.

Weeks, Ana Catalano and Sparsha Saha. “Shifting Norms on Gender and Leadership: Are Ambitious Women Punished in Politics?” 2020. LSE British Politics and Policy Blog. 25 September.

I also post about gender and politics at bluesky and LinkedIn.